~ Just My Bits of This and That ~

Mimi's Scrap Pages

Go Canada Go

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No ONE Even Called!!

Dear ex-family & ex-friends,
Well I gave it more than ample time to see if anyone would even think about seeing if I was all right/hurt etc after the June23rd earthquake that hit here in southern Ontario last Wednesday @ 1:41 PM!

Seems not one of you give a crap!! It's one week later and not even "ONE" family member or "ONE" friend have checked in on me - Absolutely shameful!!!!

Oh nah, nah, nah - don't go rushing to your phone or anything now - it's way, way too late for that! All relationships are now severed.

By the way, (not that you care) , I made it thru all right but suffered quite a bit of property damage as you can see,


Seems I don't have to worry too much tho' - just received confirmation from my Insurance company that they will look after covering all the damages & anything else. Thank god for strangers!!

Your now ex-family/friend,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Keep it Simple

One of my favorite pages to make is a black & white with a splash of color. I was playing around with one and  I added it to a recent challenge at SBF. 

I was so surprised when the challenges owner picked it for her choice award. It was so sweet of her.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

WeekEnd From Hell!!!

What happened this weekend was clearly avoidable. One begs to question right from the onset; why the very heart of Toronto's entertainment, financial and shopping district??

Was not the impact and destruction predictable - of course it was!! Doesn't take an Einstein to figure this out especially given that there were the past experiences of other host countries to draw upon.

The hooligans could not have perpetrated the chaos and the extent of damage if the summit had been held in desolate field somewhere.The inclination would have been lessened where little mind or attention would be paid them.

Kudos to the great work of our fine men and women of the policing agencies here and those who came from across this country to assist. This was an undertaking unprecedented; they did their utmost to maintain security and the safety of the community at large.

Unfortunately many Torontonians will not forget these few days when their vibrant city was essentially taken from them and the businesses, their premises damaged and their revenue losses incurred before, during and after.

The Costs Of Vanity & Self Importance

Now one has to wonder just what it was that was really accomplished at these summits besides just another orchestrated photo op for Mr. H! I would hazard a guess that the fine folks to my left would have delivered an outcome with some substance at a cost substantially less than the billion plus spent by our gov’t to get the powers to be together for a think tank or is it photofest?!

Well this group of friendly protesters would get my vote any day. Not only are they entertaining but I bet they would keep their promises if our elected officials :)!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Scent Of Wild Roses

Wild roses are one of my favorite flowers. I have a wild rose bush in my back yard that is in full bloom right now and simply stunning this year.  Their wonderful scent drift's right across the whole back yard.
It is so pleasant and peaceful sitting out there and smelling the roses :)!